Ace Africa


Ace Africa Visit website

Ace Africa (Kenya & Tanzania)

Ace Africa (Kenya) was established in 2003, engaging 4 staff and 300 beneficiaries in its first year of inception. The programme focused on community capacity building across three interlinking components over a 10 to 15-year period, with the aim of those communities becoming self-sustaining over the life cycle of the project.

Through 70 indigenous staff in Africa, they have now helped 2,113,465 children and their communities.

Today they work in remote, rural locations, where poverty, food insecurity, sexual violence and high rates of HIV/AIDS are part of everyday life. Government services are limited or non-existent, and ACE are often the only NGO present.

Ace Africa only works in communities where there is a real need, want and willingness to gain independent self-sufficient lives. The programme is long-term and bespoke to each community, reflecting local cultural, economic, political and environmental contexts focusing on all aspects of a child’s and community’s development. 

Ace Africa (Kenya)