Cambodian Community Dream Organisation


Cambodian Community Dream Organisation Visit website

Cambodian Community Dream Organisation (CCDO) run a series of sustainable programmes, promoting health, education and financial independence in rural Siem Reap.

Our 2023 grant will expand on the school health programme we’ve sponsored for the past couple of years. CCDO will embed a ‘healthy school’ scheme in 90 rural schools, raising awareness of good mental and physical health by training ‘health teachers’ to show over 20,000 pupils and over 7,000 parents how to care for personal well-being.

Clean water, teeth brushing stations, disease prevention messaging, nutrient deficiency awareness and good sanitation practices will all be introduced.  CCDO also want to educate pupils on health issues such as puberty, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Covid 19 and oral health.  They will also hold weekly assemblies and renovate existing infrastructure (latrines and wash stations).

Early detection practices are required to prevent school drop-out, especially amongst girls. CCDO will work with Angkor University medical students to implement the programme and offer health check-up to pupils in each school.